PTC Pennsylvania Turnpike Total Reconstruction

PTC Pennsylvania Turnpike Total Reconstruction

Berks and Chester Counties





2014 - 2016
Project is currently on hold 




  • Culvert Design
  • Culvert Inspection
  • Guide Sign Layout Plans
  • Striping Plans



Project Role and Scope of Work

IH served as a sub-consultant to AECOM for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Widening from MP 298 to MP 302.

Structural Engineering

IH's Structural scope of work included performing field inspections and preparation of structural condition reports, including the load ratings for two structures, EB-606 & EB-703A. 

Based on the culvert evaluations by IH and the hydraulic studies by AECOM, it was determined that culvert EB-606 will be rehabilitated and extended 50 feet at each end, for a total of 100 feet. Culvert EB-703A will be rehabilitated and modified to accommodate the proposed roadway widening with the construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls on top of the culvert at both end sections.

The Expressway mainline structures were widened to allow the typical roadway section which consisted of six-12-foot lanes, 12-foot right shoulders, and a 26-foot median. A “Type, Size & Location (TS&L) Report” and the GPE plans for the modification/extension of the culverts included in the report were prepared in accordance with AASHTO, PennDOT LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, and the Commission's design criteria.

Civil / Highway Engineering

IH's Civil scope of work included preparation of the preliminary signing plans showing proposed pavement striping and markings and the locations of four (4) sign support structures required for major guide signs at the Morgantown Interchange. The plan sheets included the legend and size of each guide sign panel. The guide sign locations and panel design were developed in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), PennDOT's Publication 236M "Handbook of Approved Signs" and Signing Standards (TC_8700 Series) included in Publication 111M Traffic Control.





October 27 2014


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