How the Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project Upgraded The Path from New Jersey to Pennsylvania

IH Engineers, P.C. has performed work as a subconsultant to Baker International since February 2015 to 2022 for the Replacement of the Scudder Falls Bridge (I-95 over the Delaware River) for the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission. IH's work has included the design of the following structures, and other tasks as defined:

  1. Ramp C — Two span horizontally curved multi-girder steel bridge with a reinforced concrete composite deck carrying one lane and a full shoulder. Spans were 182 feet and 182 feet. Substructure consisted of reinforced concrete abutments supported on steel H-Piles with a single column hammer head pier supported by steel H-Piles.
  2. Ramp G -Two span horizontally curved multi-girder steel bridge with a reinforced concrete composite deck carrying one lane and full shoulder. Spans were 128 feet and 112 feet. Substructure consisted of reinforced concrete abutments supported on steel H-Piles with a single column hammer head pier supported by a single drilled shaft.

  3. Bicycle/ Pedestrian Ramp and Bridge - Three span horizontally curved two girder steel bridge with a reinforced composite concrete deck with a width of 10 feet. Spans were 87.5': 87.5’: 92.5’. Substructure consisted of reinforced concrete abutments supported on steel H—Piles with a single column hammer head piers supported by a single drilled shaft. The "on-grade" ramp was 1,400 feet in length and supported by MSE Walls and Soldier Pile-Lagging walls at different locations along the ramp.

  4. Median retaining wall using T-Wall between the southbound and northbound roadways in Pennsylvania — a total length of 3,900 feet.

  5. Reinforced Concrete Noise Walls varying in height from 7 to 18.5 feet for a total length of 13,180 feet in Pennsylvania.

  6. Seven (7) Retaining Walls using MSE Walls with heights varying from 4 to 25 feet and a total length of 2,723 feet in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

  7. Six (6) Retaining Walls using soldier pile- lagging with heights varying from 3 to 13 feet and a total length of 2,429 feet in New Jersey.

  8. Coordinate the geometry of the structures above with the Baker Team.

  9. Perform observations of soil borings throughout the project site with a PENNDOT Certified boring inspector.

Roads & Bridges February 2023

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